Access the DOM in WebAssembly

WebAssembly is a low-level binary format that can be executed in modern web browsers and provides a way to run high-performance, portable code on the web. However, it operates in a sandboxed environment and does not have direct access to the Document Object Model (DOM) in the web page.

To access the DOM from WebAssembly, you need to use JavaScript to interact with the DOM on behalf of the WebAssembly module. This can be done by defining JavaScript functions that can be called from WebAssembly code, and that in turn interact with the DOM.

Here is an example of how to access the DOM from WebAssembly in a simple web page:


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      let wasmModule;

      async function loadWebAssembly() {

        const response = await fetch("my_wasm_module.wasm");

        const wasmBytes = await response.arrayBuffer();

        const module = await WebAssembly.compile(wasmBytes);

        wasmModule = await WebAssembly.instantiate(module, {});


      function changeDomElementColor() {

        const domElement = document.getElementById("myDiv"); = "red";


      async function runWasm() {

        await loadWebAssembly();

        // Call a JavaScript function from WebAssembly;




  <body onload="runWasm()">

    <div id="myDiv">This is a div element</div>



In this example, we first define an asynchronous function loadWebAssembly that loads the WebAssembly module my_wasm_module.wasm and compiles and instantiates it.

We then define a JavaScript function changeDomElementColor that changes the color of a DOM element with id "myDiv". This function can be called from WebAssembly code.

Finally, we define another asynchronous function runWasm that calls the loadWebAssembly function and then calls the run function exported by the WebAssembly module.

In the WebAssembly module itself, you can call the changeDomElementColor function to change the color of the DOM element:


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  (func (export "run")

    (call js-func "changeDomElementColor"))


In this example, we define a WebAssembly function run that is exported and can be called from JavaScript. The function calls the JavaScript function changeDomElementColor to change the color of the DOM element.

This is a simple example of how to access the DOM from WebAssembly. More complex interactions with the DOM can also be achieved in a similar way, by defining JavaScript functions that interact with the DOM and calling these functions from WebAssembly code.

t's important to keep in mind that WebAssembly operates in a sandboxed environment and has limited access to the web page. This means that some DOM manipulations, such as reading the location of a DOM element or accessing the window object, may not be possible from WebAssembly.

However, you can use JavaScript to perform these operations and pass the results to WebAssembly. For example, you can define a JavaScript function that reads the location of a DOM element and returns the values to WebAssembly. Then, in WebAssembly, you can use these values for further computation or manipulation.

It's also important to note that the communication between WebAssembly and JavaScript is not the fastest, and can have a performance impact on your application. Therefore, it's important to keep the amount of interaction between WebAssembly and JavaScript to a minimum, and to perform as much computation as possible in WebAssembly.

In conclusion, accessing the DOM from WebAssembly is possible through JavaScript functions, but it's important to keep in mind the performance and security implications of this interaction. When developing a WebAssembly application, it's important to carefully consider the best approach for accessing the DOM, and to optimize for both performance and security.

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