In Pandas, you can use the groupby and rolling functions to manipulate and aggregate data in a dataframe, while preserving the original structure of the dataframe.
Groupby: You can use the groupby function to group the data based on one or more columns, and then aggregate the data using a function such as mean, sum, or count. You can use the reset_index function to move the group labels back to columns, preserving the original structure of the dataframe.
Rolling: You can use the rolling function to apply a function to a sliding window of data in a dataframe. By default, the window size is determined by the window parameter, and the rolling function is applied to the data in the specified window.
Here's an example of using groupby and rolling in Pandas:
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import pandas as pd
# create a sample dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
'B': [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60],
'C': [100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600]})
# group the data by column A
grouped = df.groupby('A').mean()
# reset the index to move the group labels back to columns
grouped = grouped.reset_index()
# create a rolling window of size 3
rolling = grouped['B'].rolling(window=3).mean()
# add the rolling average as a new column in the grouped dataframe
grouped['rolling_avg'] = rolling
This will produce the following output:
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A B C rolling_avg
0 1 10.0 100 NaN
1 2 20.0 200 NaN
2 3 30.0 300 20.000000
3 4 40.0 400 30.000000
4 5 50.0 500 40.000000
5 6 60.0 600 50.000000
In this example, the original structure of the dataframe is preserved, and the new columns rolling_avg are added to the grouped dataframe.
In Pandas, you can use the groupby and rolling functions while maintaining the structure of the original dataframe by using the following steps:
Group the dataframe based on specific columns using the groupby() method.
Perform rolling operations on the grouped dataframe using the rolling() method.
Use the apply() method to apply a custom function to the rolling data.
Use reset_index() method to reset the index of the original dataframe.
For example, you can group a dataframe based on the "Name" column and perform a rolling mean on the "Age" column:
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df = df.groupby('Name').rolling(window=3).mean()
df = df.reset_index()
After the above code is executed, the resulting dataframe will have the same structure as the original dataframe, but with a new column for the rolling mean of the "Age" column.