How to fix Serverless error "Invalid API Key identifier specified" when using 2 stages with api keys on AWS?

The error "Invalid API Key identifier specified" can occur when using two stages with API keys in AWS with the Serverless framework if the API keys are not properly configured. Here are a few steps you can take to resolve the issue:

Ensure that the API keys are correctly associated with the corresponding stages: API keys in AWS are associated with a specific stage, so make sure that the API keys you are using are correctly associated with the appropriate stage in the Serverless configuration.

Verify the API key names: Make sure that the API key names you are using in the Serverless configuration match the names of the API keys in AWS. If the names are incorrect, you will receive the "Invalid API Key identifier specified" error.

Check the API key policies: Ensure that the API key policies are correctly set up in AWS. Make sure that the policies allow access to the correct resources and operations.

Make sure the API keys are created in the correct region: If you are using multiple AWS regions, make sure that the API keys are created in the same region as the resources you are trying to access.

Check the Serverless configuration: Verify that the Serverless configuration is correctly set up, and that the API keys are referenced correctly. Ensure that the right API keys are being used for the right stages.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the "Invalid API Key identifier specified" error when using two stages with API keys in AWS with the Serverless framework. If the problem persists, it may be helpful to review the AWS documentation or seek additional assistance from the AWS support team.

If you're still encountering the error "Invalid API Key identifier specified", here are a few additional steps you can try:

Use the AWS CLI to verify the API keys: You can use the AWS CLI to verify the API keys and make sure that they are correctly associated with the appropriate stages. You can use the following command to list all the API keys in your account: aws apigateway get-api-keys.

Ensure that the AWS CLI is set up correctly: If you are using the AWS CLI, make sure that it is set up correctly and that it is using the correct credentials. You can use the aws configure command to set up the AWS CLI.

Try creating a new API key: If you're still encountering the error, you may want to try creating a new API key and associating it with the correct stage.

Enable verbose logging: If you're still encountering the error, you may want to enable verbose logging in the Serverless framework to get more detailed information about the problem. You can use the --verbose flag when running the Serverless command to enable verbose logging.

By following these additional steps, you should be able to resolve the "Invalid API Key identifier specified" error and get your Serverless setup working correctly with two stages and API keys in AWS.

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